How The Universe Works
Using the 12 universal principals
With Lisa Linder, Law of Attraction Expert

Are you ready to find out how to get everything you want?
Are you constantly stuck in overwhelming or challenging situations not knowing why or how to get out of it?
Do you feel like you are settling in your current life?
Are you thinking you'll never understand how to get ahead?
Life can feel really stressful, especially in these times, but It is possible to have everything you desire.

The universe doesn't give you a desire without making it possible, in fact, it's one of the universal laws in this class.
These universal principals, will help you to empower yourself so you can attract what you want in your life.
All you need is guidance to learn those laws, and the tools that will allow you to attract everything you want.
When you know how the universe works, you can create the life of your dreams.
As with any class, you’ll have to actively use and practice the principals in order to benefit. That’s when you'll start to see the shifts in your life. ​​
Join us to find out how it all works and how you can apply it to;
Your job or business
Family and relationships
Your entire life so you can create more wellness, purpose and abundance
In this, How The Universe Works, 1 hour video class you will:
Learn the 12 universal principals
Receive exercises about manifesting, alignment and affirmations
Get tips on how to embody the concepts
Get clarity about what is holding you back

I’ve been teaching this for a long time, and have helped many people create better lives for themselves.

Lisa has been teaching me how to manifest the things I truly want in my life, using the universal principles. Because of her guidance, instructions and knowledge, I have been able to manifest a wonderful new job and salary that I wouldn’t have believed was possible before working with her.
-Deana J.
Since I have been working with Lisa's (online) program and utilized the tools she has shared, I have been far more attentive to my thoughts, feelings, vibration and behaviors as they relate to manifesting. I have noticed I turn more easily towards what I desire and experience more faith and trust, joy and peace.
...loving what is and being present to the Divine unfolding of my life and the Universe.
- Hara S.
Here's what you have access to with How The Universe Works:
1 hour Video Class
12 exercises (pdf document) to help you embody the Universal Laws
Tools that you can keep using over and over to manifest everything you want.
Optional add on private coaching sessions